Technical Comment

Powerful Advantages of 48V E-bike Electrical Systems

48V E-bike Hikobike
Technical Comment

Advantages of 48V E-Bike Electrical Systems

E-bikes specified for robust use are constructed with well designed and tested components.  Their electric systems must also be able to endure rigorous use.  That is why Hikobikes are fitted with 48V motors and batteries. The more common 36V systems are a good compromise between weight, all round performance and economy of use.

48V e-bikes deliver a higher power output which results in improved acceleration and better performance in demanding situations. The additional voltage contributes to increased torque with tougher and sustained hill climbing ability.

Hikobikes are designed for New Zealand where the maximum permitted speed under motor is 20mph.  They have been governed back for use in the UK to 15mph. so that the bikes are running well within their designed capabilities which means they will endure for long periods. When you have reached the maximum permitted speed under power the motor just fades away and you can pedal as fast is you like, or freewheel downhill.  As you slow down while pedalling, you will feel the motor re-connect as speed reduces below 15mph.

To deliver extra power output, 48V bikes use heavier wiring systems and controllers.  Most 36V bikes use controllers designed for a maximum power of 36V X 15AH.  Hikobike controllers are 48V X 18 AH and so able to deliver increased sustained power from the battery to the motor.  48V batteries are slightly heavier than 36V and if you use maximum power for a substantial part of the ride, the range will be slightly shortened.

In many countries where the Regulations are not as restricted as UK, especially the USA, 48V e-bikes are much more in evidence as they cope with increased speed, rider weight and tougher terrain.

If you are looking for sports performance in a tough and hilly area, or quick acceleration on roundabouts and in busy traffic lanes and a cruising speed just under 15mph. the choice of a 48V e-bike will provide you with increased performance and power.

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